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Jan. 4, 2016
  Town of Princeton, Mass. – Jan. 4, 2016 – 9 AM

9 AM  Meeting was called to order at the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss with T.A. Nina Nazarian. Wachusett Regional School District Supt. Darryl McCall and Bus. Mgr. Joe Scanlon were in attendance

Nina distributed copies of the town’s lease agreement with WRSD and some edited versions. Selectmen noted that this session was to share information and they were not prepared to vote on anything. Regarding the lease agreement that the school district has with the five member towns, Mr. McCall admitted the current lease dates back to 1994 and that discussions about updating it have dragged on, with the towns. The goal is to get the same basic lease signed by all towns, allowing for some local variations.
        Stan M. asked about the athletic fields, which are excluded from the lease. It was noted that school uses take precedent over other groups using the fields. The school department organizes scheduling to avoid double-booking. The district takes care of the actual building (which it leases) and the immediate perimeter, walkways and landscaping, and it pays the town to plow the parking lots.
        If not updated, the lease automatically renews each year. Site plans are kept at the district and an inventory list was done in 1994 to identify equipment and fixtures. Anything “attached” is owned by the leasor (town). Jon F. pointed out that a definition of “fixtures” should be clarified.
        The district’s insurance appraises school properties excluding furniture and equipment. Group discussed liabilities and insurance. The group focused on several sections of the lease, and noted possibility of reducing its timeframe from 20 years to 10 years. In the original documents, the district has the option to extend the lease. Rent is $1 per year. The town is responsible for most outdoor fixtures such as playgrounds, lights and poles. They proposed removing Schedule C which restricted when town employees could work on the outdoor property. As outlined, the town is responsible for bringing utilities to the building, then the district is responsible. There was some discussion on water, as TP Schooln has its own well and the cost of pumping has been borne by the district. The septic system is on-site, as is Sterling’s, and the pumps are the towns’ responsibility.
        Group discussed playgrounds, and the town is responsible for that equipment, although the maintenance agreement included them with the school building and the district does general upkeep on them. Mr. Scanlon noted that the district’s insurance covers the playgrounds but selectmen wanted him to check for specifics on what is covered, by whom, after school hours.
        The town has the use of school buildings during emergencies; for elections (with equipment storage); and for town activities. The district has final say on who can use the building, starting with the principal, then the superintendent.
        The group set another meeting for Tuesday, Jan. 12 at 9 AM in the Annex. McCall and Scanlon left the meeting.

9:58 AM Stan M. commented on the STEM program and suggested local experts who may be available to mentor/volunteer in math and engineering. It was noted that the Advisory Board has a seat to fill and selectmen noted a few names.
        The board voted all in favor to authorize the town administrator to sign state contracts for MassWorks; Exec. Office for Elder Affairs and the Fieldstone Farm grant fpr $400,000.

10:02 AM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Lease documents with WRSD

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department